Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information
Tokyo Waterfront Area Rapid Transit, Inc. (“the Company”) provides for the Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information as follows, based on the understanding that it is the Company’s corporate social responsibility to handle customer personal information in an appropriate manner under its three-point corporate management philosophy, “Safe and Comfortable Rail Transportation,” “Satisfactory Customer Service,” and “A Railway Beloved of Customers,” and will make the utmost efforts to protect customer personal information by ensuring that its officers and employees adhere to the Basic Policy on the Protection of Personal Information.
1 The Company will comply with laws, regulations and other codes regarding the appropriate handling of customer personal information.
2 The Company will obtain customer personal information by proper means. Unless stipulated by laws, regulations or ordinances, it will notify or make public the purpose of use for customer personal information and use such information only within the scope of that purpose.
3 The Company will provide education to all officers and employees to ensure that officers understand the importance of the protection of personal information and that they handle customer personal information in an appropriate manner.
4 The Company will take measures for the security management of customer personal information, seeking to prevent unauthorized access, loss, falsification, leakage, etc. thereof.
5 Unless stipulated by laws, regulations or ordinances, the Company will not provide customer personal information to any third party without the prior consent of the customer himself/herself.
6 If the Company entrusts the handling of customer personal information to another party, the Company will supervise, in an appropriate manner, the security management of customer personal information by such party.
7 The Company will specify procedures for the correction, addition, etc. of customer personal information upon request from the customer himself/herself. Customers may make an inquiry, etc. about the handling of personal information via the contact below.
8 When a customer requests the Company to disclose his/her personal information and it accepts his/her request by delivering a copy of a document, etc., the Company requires the customer to pay a prescribed charge.
9 The Company will conduct an audit on an ongoing basis to ensure handling of personal information in an appropriate manner.
General Affairs Section, General Affairs Department TEL:03-3527-6760